Light Grey Pointer


Welcome to my corner of the web

This site will mostly be a place for me to practice and get better with HTML and CSS, so strap yourself in for that journey. With time though, it will also be a place to put my writing, art and the occasional personal thought.

So take a look around. read some stuff, look at some pictures (when they get uploaded) and leave a message on the guestbook.



Remade the index page so you guys can finally see all this. The disclaimer set up and dashed your expectations right? Well, with time it will become more relevant. I just need to format a few pages to display things how I want them too. Hopefully will have some actual proper content for you guys to sink your teeth into by the end of next week.


Added a guestbook, credits/links and an about me page. Also got the base formatting down for my writing, diary and art pages but nothing there yet. That will probably come later.


After much screaming and crying in the fetal position, I finally worked out how to install this handy Update box and format the text to do what I wanted. I also got way too distracted looking at custom mouses (mice?). They were just so pretty and shiny. Also a totally integral part of my web design.


Used Sadgirl's layout builder to create website base. Tweaked colours, background image and installed custom font.